Students of Dubai at the time of Eid al-Fitra will be released from school

The Dubai administration will free students from classes during the celebration of Eid al-Fitra.

From Thursday, Dubai schools will be closed for the Eid al-Fitra celebration. Most likely, the students will attend classes on Monday, but the authorities will provide more specific information later.

Parents were instructed to follow the news and messages regarding school holidays.

Encouraged by the holiday, the authorities decided to announce a short vacation in verse via Twitter.

The Eid al-Fitra celebration falls on Friday, but the Federal Human Resources Service said all governments and ministries will close on Thursday and only open after Shawval. Depending on the start of Eid al-Fitra, Chavval 3 will fall either on Sunday June 17th or on Monday June 18th.

On Tuesday, representatives of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization said that a weekend in Chavval 1-2 would be paid for employees of private enterprises.

Depending on the start of Eid al-Fitra, Shavval 1 will fall either on Friday June 15th or Saturday on June 16th.

Watch the video: Saudi Arabia Announces 12 Holidays For Eid-Ul-Adha 2019 (July 2024).