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Summer all over the world is the traditional time for vacations and vacations, and even more so in the United Arab Emirates. What kind of social life or business activity can we talk about when the thermometer’s needle closely approaches 50 degrees Celsius? Therefore, everyone who has even the slightest opportunity to leave work for a while, flies to cooler countries. The friendly staff of our publishing house was no exception, and having handed over the summer issues of magazines, someone flew to where. Moscow and St. Petersburg, Stavropol and Voronezh, Georgia, Kazakhstan, France, Ukraine, Germany, Turkey, India and the mysterious Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) - using the magnets that have accumulated on my desk, you can learn geography.

After spending the lucky ones, the rest of the team did not lose time in vain and, taking advantage of the lull, decided to do something that always lacks time in the season. We again updated our corporate website (, expanded the list of news feeds, added blogs, opened an Instagram account (Russian Emirates), breathed a second life into both accounts on the VKontakte social network (Russian Emirates and Russian_ Emirates), and also to help our Facebook page, which already has 20 thousand likes (also Russian Emirates), intensified work in the group of the same name, the focus of which is not on social life, but on news from the United Arab Emirates. If this didn’t seem enough to anyone, I remind you that in July we posted on the website a complete archive of the Russian Emirates and Business Emirates magazines. And all this - apart from two new tourism projects, which is too early to talk about, since work on them is in full swing and the launch will take place in September and October, respectively.

However, vacations, like all good things, tend to end quickly, our team is again ready and ready for new labor achievements. The editorial board is hitting the next issue of the magazine at an accelerated pace, the marketing department is imposing a plan of cultural events for the 2014–2015 season, and the Moskovsky Club is testing a newly launched mobile application (look for the keywords M-Club or M-Club) and, without stopping at what has been achieved, they are in full swing working on its improvement (upgrade) to version 2.0.

So that a strict reader does not criticize us for indiscretion, we will also take time for Dubai, which almost every day announces new projects and initiatives. Indeed, he plans to become by 2020, when the exhibition EXPO 2020, the most visited city in the world by tourists, will be held here! And therefore, it has already been personally tested by Sheikh Mohammed and is almost ready to launch the country's first tram line; the reconstruction of the runway of the international airport, which will serve 70 million passengers in 2014, has already been completed; over the past six months, emirate hotels have already managed to receive six million tourists - a million each month! And soon, the largest Apple company store will be opened in Dubai, Donald Trump plans to hold the Miss Universe contest here, and in the very near future, this Middle Eastern emirate is going to apply for hosting the 2024 Summer Olympics. As my acquaintances Russians say - of course, it is better to spend summer games in the UAE in winter (they know better after Sochi 2014), but nothing prevents Dubai from covering itself with a giant umbrella and turning on the air conditioners to the full! And there you can think about the Winter Olympics. Russia could, and the United Arab Emirates can!

Sergey Tokarev

Watch the video: The Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Publisher - 2018 Tutorial (July 2024).