Beowulf Hunt

Text: Dmitry Konstantinov

Sharing the opinion of the American architect Louis Sullivan that function dictates the form, the Danish television and radio company Bang & Olufsen this year materialized another dream of audiophiles. For sale at a price of US $ 40 thousand per copy, BeoLab 90 speakers came out - a stereo pair that ensures the sound reproduction is much better than five spaced "theater" speakers with a subwoofer and other sound engineering techniques that have already become traditional. Each column is a pyramid of multi-frequency speakers and amplifiers, which subjectively looks much better without a tight mesh "spacesuit", somewhat reminiscent of Darth Vader, who fell into Hinduism.

360-degree sound in BeoLab 90 is provided by seven high-frequency tweeters, the same number of mid-range speakers and four bass “woofers”. There are five own amplifiers in each such pyramid - one 14-channel ICE-power and four additional classes D. The maximum output power of this company, according to the manufacturer's passport, is 8,200 kW. Connoisseurs of audio fans say that this is impossible - they will blow away from the spot, simultaneously turning into Beethoven. And it overheats quickly - a unit of this strength can boil a bath in five minutes.

Danish sound engineers respond to this with a carefully thought-out cooling system for the aluminum case with radiators and a wooden base. Regardless of the installation location of the 65-pound speakers, the BeoLab 90 remote control or mobile application allows you to design the acoustic architecture of the room on the touchscreen, sending decibels to every corner of the interior that interests you, whether it be a side sofa or the skin in front of the fireplace.

Watch the video: Hog hunting with Bowers suppressed 50 Beowulf (July 2024).