Dubai is the fourth most visited city in the world

Dubai is confidently approaching its goal - to receive 20 million guests a year by 2020; even in such a difficult year for the tourism industry as 2015, the number of tourists visiting the city grew by 7.5% to 14.2 million people.
The calculations did not include tourists who spent less than a day in the city. The forecast of the World Tourism Organization operating under the UN for 2015 spoke of a possible increase in the number of tourists by 3-4%. By the number of tourists visiting the city, Dubai came in fourth in the world.

Most tourists came to Dubai from neighboring countries - 3.3 million (an increase of 12.8%). The second most important “supplier” of tourists for Dubai remains Western Europe - despite the euro exchange rate not favorable for tourists, the UAE dirham, 3 million people came to Dubai from Western Europe (an increase of 6.1%). In third place are the countries of South Asia - 2.3 million visitors (+ 21.7%). Tourists from the countries of North and South America totaled about 1 million people (+ 8.2%).

The number of tourists from Africa remained unchanged, but the number of Russians and tourists from other countries of Eastern Europe fell by 22.5%. The number of tourists from Australia and the South Pacific region decreased by 6.3%.

Watch the video: Dubai, UAE. Tourism, History, Time To Visit (June 2024).