Life goes on

ACCORDING TO THE SCIENTISTS, ALREADY THE CURRENT GENERATION OF PEOPLE WILL BE ABLE TO LIVE AN ORDER OF 130-150 YEARS, AND THIS IS NOT FANTASY. BUT HOW MUCH DO IT NEED TO PEOPLE IF THE BIG PART OF THEIR LIFE WILL PASS UNDER THE SIGN OF WILT? It turns out that science has already taken care of everything - both about the extension of life, and the preservation of youth.

Over the past 100 years alone, life expectancy has doubled: from 48 to 80 years. At the same time, the aging bar has also shifted. According to the definition of the World Health Organization, aging today is more a curable disease than an objective reality. “An old man of about thirty entered the room,” wrote 16-year-old Alexander Pushkin. "Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was older than everyone else. He was thirty-four years old - the age of extinction," said Yuri Tynyanov. Meanwhile, the historian and writer Karamzin lived to be 60 years old, his second wife Yekaterina Kolyvanova left this world at 72 years old, and Pushkin's teacher, poet and academician Vasily Zhukovsky, lived 69 years.

Taking into account wars, duels and diseases, the life expectancy of 60-70 years in the century before last looked record-breaking and unique. Today, at this age, a person retires or becomes president, and the age of Frenchwoman Jeanne Louise Calman, who lived 122 years, is considered the record. According to the UN, there are now tens of thousands of people living in the world for hundreds of years, and many of them feel great.

The fact that the biological resource of the human body exceeds at least 150 years, at the time, Paracelsus and Ivan Mechnikov spoke. The problem of realizing the potential laid down in us by nature is dealt with by a separate scientific field - bioherontology. According to its representatives, in particular the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, director of the Biogerontological Research Foundation and International Aging Research Portfolio Alexander Zhavoronkov, at the current stage of human development, external factors (mass wars and epidemics) that limit human life are reduced to a minimum. Hunger is no longer threatening humanity, and we are becoming the only reason why the life route is not completely overcome.


Before figuring out who wants to live forever, it would be worthwhile to figure out the reasons why a modern person does not live up to his 150 years. Some practitioners tend to compare the human body with a car that needs fuel to drive. Any driver, by ignorance, can disable the engine of his car, filling diesel fuel instead of gasoline at a gas station. In the same way, we involuntarily or consciously disrupt the functioning of our body and, in the end, destroy it.

In 1956, Soviet academician Nikolai Semenov received the Nobel Prize for discovering free radicals. So were called molecules and atoms that have unpaired electrons and aggressively select them from healthy cells. The activity of free radicals at a certain concentration can lead to immune and cancer diseases, heart attacks, strokes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

No less dangerous to health are chemical and biological carcinogens. The supply of carcinogens and free radicals in the body can be replenished not only with junk food, but also with any fried or canned food, in case of abuse of drugs and dietary supplements (according to statistics, doctors and tablets are the sixth leading cause of death in the world), with every new cigarette or a sip of exhaust gases.

“Most of the diseases come from what we inject into ourselves. Tell me what you eat, and I will say what you are sick with,” Hippocrates noted over two thousand years ago. “With a knife and fork we dig our grave,” Grigory Gorin echoed the ancient scientist at the end of the 20th century.

The practice of therapeutic fasting, which existed for a long time, received scientific confirmation with the discovery of autophagy, for the description of the mechanism of which the Japanese biologist Esinori Osumi in 2016 received the Nobel Prize. Autophagy refers to a cell’s method of processing the “garbage” inside it and thereby self-cleaning. But this process occurs only on the condition of abstinence from food. Experts believe that a person is not enough to eat for 12 hours to start this process.

As the first "symptom", an increase in brain activity is usually noted, but is it the main symptom of age-related extinction? A little later, the renewal of skin cells begins, usually taking on the impact of ultraviolet radiation - photoaging.

Stress as a factor of negative psychological impact on the human body is inextricably linked with the development of information technology. When a person learned the news on Sundays at the fairground, he suffered from stress significantly less than now, falling asleep with a hybrid of newspaper, TV and discussion club under his pillow. Stress not only ages, but also kills, and today it is fought with the same starvation (this time informational, aka digital detox), as well as Eastern practices, which include meditation, yoga and breathing techniques.


At the end of the last century, American sports doctors Robert Goldman and Ronald Klatz discovered that calcium production started again in the organisms of 80-year-old grandparents, whom they forced to go to the gym. It turned out that testosterone, which is produced during strength training, misled the "biological clock" of the body and that, in turn, restarted biochemical processes previously stopped due to aging. Based on their discovery, Goldman and Klatz not only proposed an original method of treating osteoporosis, but also founded a whole scientific field - antiaging.

Aging is a complex and multifactorial process, therefore it is necessary to study it from all sides, applying both scientific and socio-behavioral approaches. In contrast, for example, from sea urchins or turtles, which, without thinking about their age, live up to 300 years while maintaining reproductive functions, a person is characterized by auto-correction of his life, taking into account traditions and motivations. Retire at age 60 and gain access to special healthcare programs, as is done in the USA. Rest in peace in 80 years, leaving children with accumulated assets, while saving them from the hassle and worries of caring for an old and sick person.

Stanford University psychologist Laura Carstensen developed a theory of socio-emotional selectivity, according to which a person’s life expectancy affects his behavior and decision-making.

The less people “measure” their term, the less often they invest in self-development and long-term projects. Dr. Carstensen argues that a scientifically proven increase in life expectancy can push the boundaries of aging at a psychological level.


The theory of biomedical progress, developed by Alexander Zhavoronkov, clearly illustrates why investments in life extension technologies are made incomparably smaller in the world today compared to other scientific areas. In the United States alone, pension spending today is three times the national debt, amounting to about $ 30 trillion. The increase in these expenses with the growth of the army of long-lived pensioners, the most developed economy in the world simply can not stand, what can we say about other countries? In other words, it is completely unprofitable for the state to pay you a pension, and if you have to pay it for more than 30 years, it will go bankrupt.

By the way, the pension system itself arose only about 150 years ago. Prior to this, the need to pay a pension simply did not arise - few people even lived to be 60 years old.

The answer to the situation, according to Zhavoronkov, can be considered the introduction into everyday life of the concept of "economics of aging", based on the previously described methodology for reflashing the matrix of business activity. A person who enlisted himself in the “extended day group” begins to plan his life’s economy for more serious and long-term investment projects, such as, for example, getting a new education, changing his profession, establishing a new brand of clothing, wine, or a vehicle . Let it be an architectural or literary style or a separate direction in science - a person can receive dividends from an undertaking that were previously paid to his grandchildren at best in his lifetime.

Thus, the most enterprising centenarians in social security may not need at all. Those of them who prefer not to invest in the future, but to work for hire, will be able to benefit their company much longer than is now stipulated by the terms of the current pension legislation.

The fresh wind of new perspectives cannot but inspire, and sometimes one gets the feeling that mankind has developed something like a new religion. While her followers form a periodic table of elements that promote and prevent the aging of the body, condemn calcium and rehabilitate palm oil, offer to undergo a DNA test (which, in general, is correct, because it will come in handy anyway), it is important to remember the main thing. Most likely, we will be the first generation that can live up to 150 years, and plan the economy of such a life, set up your body and build relationships with the outside world, you need to start now.


While scientists are working hard to develop a “pill against old age”, vowing to promise to start selling it in pharmacies within the next 20 years, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules that will help you significantly extend your life today (located in decreasing order of importance):

1. The exception to sleep deficiency - to sleep daily enough to fully get enough sleep.

2. Regular examination of your body. Regular ECG of the heart, blood tests for biochemistry and tumor markers.

3. Fasting or fasting days (therapeutic fasting alters the expression of genes, suppresses inflammation, protects the heart, brain and blood vessels, prevents cancer, prolongs life by 1.5 times).

4. Proper nutrition. More raw vegetables, herbs and fresh foods. Between the ages of 40 and 65, minimize food of animal origin. At the age of 65 years and older, on the contrary, increase animal food in the diet (poultry, eggs, kefir, fish). If possible, exclude sweets, flour and fried. Plant foods should never be boiled. Include broccoli in the diet as a source of sulforaphane.

5. Include fatty sea fish or fish oil, as a source of Omega-3, in the diet - 2 times a week.

6. Ensure that the Body Mass Index (BMI) does not exceed 23 for people with an asthenic physique and 25 for people with a hypersthenic physique.

7. Daily meditation and avoid stress and depression.

8. Aerobic exercise 2-3 times a week for 40-60 minutes (easy running, swimming, long walking). Heavy aerobic exercise (sports), on the contrary, accelerates the aging of the heart and blood vessels.

9. Day cream for the face with UV protection from the sun. Apply all life from youth.

10. Train intelligence and especially memory (memorize verses or learn a new language).


Text: Dmitry Konstantinov

Watch the video: Life Goes On - Tupac (June 2024).