Arab youth calls Vladimir Putin a global leader

Arab youth called the President of Russia one of the global leaders.

Dubai, UAE. Five global leaders will have the greatest impact on the political situation in the Middle East, according to Arab youth. Among them are U.S. President Donald Trump, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Russian President Vladimir Putin. These data are contained in the annual study of Arab Youth Survey 2018, conducted by ASDA'A Burson-Marsteller.

The study clarifies that over the past year, the perception of the political situation has changed dramatically in the region: for example, Arab youth now considers Russia, not the United States, as the main non-Arab ally in the region. The top five allies today are the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Russia and Egypt. The United States dropped to 11th place in this ranking.

“I can understand why Arab youth considers Russia an ally. Several factors influenced this, including Donald Trump’s decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem and the growth of leftist sentiments, the ideology of independence from the West,” said Turki bin Abdullah Aldahil, head of Al Arabiya TV channel.

It is worth noting that Arab youth once again recognized the UAE as the best country to live in the Arab world (37% of respondents). In total, more than 3.5 thousand respondents in 16 countries of the region were interviewed.

Watch the video: President Vladimir Putin sends New Year's messages to world leaders (July 2024).