A plane flying to Amsterdam from Dubai makes an emergency landing

A plane flying from Dubai to Amsterdam made an emergency landing in Vienna due to bad air.

The pilot of a Transavia Airlines plane that flew from Dubai to Amsterdam landed urgently in Vienna due to a passenger spoiling the air. It is reported by Metro.

According to the publication, the man’s neighbors asked him to restrain his impulses, but he refused to do so. The crew also did not take any action. A quarrel broke out between the men, which turned into a fight - as a result, the pilot decided to sit down.

After landing, the police boarded the dogs and took off two female sisters and two men from the flight. The first ones intend to sue the Netherlands for having landed them, although they did nothing wrong. "We had nothing to do with all this mess. We did not know who these guys were, we were just unlucky to be in the same row with them," one of the passengers said.

Later, all four detainees were released, as they did not violate Austrian laws, but Transavia forbade them to fly their planes.

Watch the video: Priority Landing for a Medical Emergency on a Flight From Dubai. Heathrow: Britains Busiest Airport (July 2024).