Dubai metro malfunction paralyzes city traffic

In Dubai, a malfunction in the subway almost paralyzed traffic in areas along the red subway line.

On Monday, November 6, 2017, a malfunction occurred in the Dubai Metro, which caused a massive accumulation of passengers at the red line stations, and also led to numerous congestion on the roads in the adjacent areas of the city.

According to the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority, after 40 minutes of downtime, traffic was restored, but then stopped again. The causes of the incident are not yet called.

At 9:40, subscribers to the Russian Emirates group on Facebook reported that traffic was again restored - there are trains running in both directions on the subway overpass. Recall that most of the Dubai Metro network, whose trains operate without drivers, is located on the surface, and not in underground tunnels.

Watch the video: Heavy rain in Kochi. Manorama News (July 2024).