Telegram channels with news from the UAE in Russian launched in Dubai

Telegram channels that broadcast news from the United Arab Emirates in Russian have been launched in Dubai.

The latest, important and interesting news from the United Arab Emirates in Russian has become available to users of the Telegram messenger.

The project was implemented by the news service of the Russian Emirates Publishing House and includes four news channels:

  1. The main news from the UAE (tourism, lifestyle, relevant, important):
  2. Business news from the UAE (business, real estate, investments, banks):
  3. Calendar of interesting events in the UAE (poster - cultural, sports and business events):
  4. Urgent news from the UAE (one line news, incidents):

Separation of news content on different channels provided a more comfortable notification mode - instead of a dozen notifications, subscribers will receive only the information that is really interesting to them.

However, for those who do not like to issue several subscriptions, the opportunity is left to follow the news through the single information channel "All news from the UAE", available at //

The Russian Emirates Publishing House, has been operating in Dubai since 2004, publishing four magazines in Russian, one of which, the Russian Emirates magazine, was awarded an Honorary Diploma of the Government of the Russian Federation for its great contribution to the preservation of the Russian language and culture, as well as in the matter of consolidating compatriots abroad. "

In September 2015, in the messenger of Pavel Durov Telegram appeared "channels" - chats that allow you to send messages to an unlimited number of subscribers. A telegram channel is a cross between a news feed and a blog on a specific topic. The telegram’s peculiarity is that the author does not receive any feedback, except for the number of views of one message: subscribers cannot comment and rate posts.

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