Real arabic market

A true Arab market has opened in Dubai. A new street market, skillfully stylized as a traditional Arabian bough, was opened on December 20, 2008 in the historic district of Dubai Bastakia.

Bastakiya Market (Souk Al Bastikiya) will be open on Saturdays, from 10 a.m. until sunset. Carts and tents with goods are located on the narrow streets of the old district of Dubai, which gives the market a true Arabic flavor.

Merchants, who have already rented 50 outlets, offer the public various goods and services, united by the Arab theme. For example, products from the UAE include souvenirs, traditional clothing, household utensils, local coffee beloved by local residents, as well as henna hand and foot painting services, and traditional local dishes that are so rarely served in the country's restaurants.

Musical and dance groups perform on the market. Several local creative groups, including Dubai Drums drum enthusiasts, will give master classes here for free. She also plans to conduct classes for all comers of the Jam Jar Gallery. According to the organizers, the market will become a place for young talented people to enter.

The organizers hope that the idea of ​​creating Souk Al Bastikiya will appeal not only to tourists, but also to residents of the city. They promise to regularly conduct various events, and during the period of trade festivals to make the market the main platform in the "old city".

Watch the video: Makkah Street Food. Arabic Shawarma & More. Saudia Arabia (June 2024).