Russian graffiti artists set a world record in the United Arab Emirates

Russian graffiti artists entered the Guinness Book of Records, creating a giant graffiti in Ras Al Khaimah.

Dubai, UAE. Russian street artists set a Guinness record by creating in Ras Al Khaimah the world's largest luminous graffiti with an area of ​​over 400 square meters. meters.

Petersburger Mikhail Uteev and a native of Yekaterinburg Anton Rayonov worked as part of an international team, where artists from 28 countries were represented. The entry will appear in the book in 2018.

Graffiti was created at night. We used special phosphoric paints, which can only be used in the dark.

“Together with a team of artists from different parts of the world, we set the Guinness official world record for the largest figure glowing in the dark,” Mikhail (WERT159) said on his page on VK.сom social network. “Our record almost doubled the previous one! In a few nights working under ultraviolet light, our team created a drawing with a total area of ​​more than 400 square meters.The overall plot was the “past, present and future” of Ras Al Khaimah. The specially equipped “wall” consisted of a solid wooden frame and a stretched "After checking the work for compliance with all requirements, the official representative of the Guinness book solemnly announced a new world record."

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