Coffee Shape: losing weight fast and effectively

"Coffee Shape / Green Coffee for Weight Loss" - This is the latest development in the field of drinks for weight loss. It was created according to a special formula from raw green coffee beans, which helps to reduce the adsorption of sugar from foods, which leads to a decrease in the number of calories consumed.

Clinical studies when taking Green Coffee Shape coffee for 8 weeks showed: weight loss of more than 10%; increase in muscle mass in relation to the mass of fat by 8%; decrease in body mass index by 8%.

The active ingredient of a soluble drink is chlorogenic acid, which is found in raw unroasted coffee beans and is a natural substance that prevents the absorption of sugar from the intestines; contributing to an increase in the rate of burning fat in the body and, as a result, weight loss within 60 days. Known as an excellent antioxidant, Coffee Shape Green Coffee fights free radicals that damage cells and cause age-related changes.

"Coffee Shape / Green Coffee for weight loss" is produced in Australia according to the highest standards of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and is certified by the Australian Medicines Administration. One package contains 14 coffee bags and is designed for two weeks of use.

You can buy "Coffee Shape / Green coffee for weight loss" in the UAE in the branded departments of Cosmetology, located in the perfumery and cosmetic sections of Harvey Nichols and Bloomingdale's department stores.

Watch the video: Dr. Oz on Weight Loss (July 2024).